Under the banner of Parameshwari arts Jayanth C.Parani is diecting a love story. This film has a Lovestory between POwerstar PavanKalyan and Hot actress Trisha. Ganeshbabu is the producer of this movie and the regular shooting has been started. Talking about the film director says that "This film would entertain the audiance a lot. This movie is a comedy film and would make people to laugh a lot in the theaters. The screenplay and dialogues given by Trivikram made this film even more strong. There are many love stories but the love story in this movie is completely different. she is the heroine in this film and she would be seen in a different get up."Boni" fame Kruthi is the second heroine in this film. Pavan is playing double role which would entertain his fans a lot. I feel really happy for Doing a New type of love story with him".
Producer says that "It is my dream come true project really i had a wish to produce him film and now which is becoming true im very much happy and im on cloud 9. I will never and cant forget this moment in my life. It was my dream since 3 years.After "Kushi" this would be another film for him where in he would entertan his fans in the same way. This film is completely an entertaining movie with a new love story. we would be shooting in Varnasi sets in Hyderabad later in Varanasi, darjalling, Patiyala and in nov we would shoot in America". Mani sharma is the music director of the film.
Tainan Vinsent is the camera man. Shiva babu is the co producer. This movie would also be the dream come true project for the actress . She is a great and big fan of Hero and she has told this in many of her interviews. She is at present having 2 projects in her hand namely "Chandi" And another is this movie which is still not titled. This babe was disappointed by her bollywood film "Katta Metta" because it was not successfull in the theaters. So she would be completely concentrating on south industry. So we must wait and see how much will this love story between them entertain the audiance.